Russian Stars

Everything isn't as smooth as I had hoped with this blog, but it lives and will live further - so, keep visiting it!

Well, to the point now. Russian women are known for their beauty, among other things. So, I've decided to make a series of 10 pages about the 10 most beautiful Russian stars not widely known outside the country.

Click on the images to enlarge them

Russian StarsRussian Stars Russian Stars I'll start the series with Ekaterina Guseva, who definitely is one of the Russia's most beautiful women.

Ekaterina Guseva - Images, Wallpapers, Video, Screensaver:

The complete gallery with images, wallpapers, ice show video and a screensaver is in the Ekaterina Guseva Gallery Page.

Some facts:

  • She was born in Moscow on July 9, 1976.
  • Studied at the Schukin Theater School (quite famous in Russia and the former Soviet Union).
  • Ekaterina Guseva was the first actress invited to the Big musical Gala festival in Norway. She is presently performing in the troupe of the Mossovet theater ("The Dance Teacher" play).
  • She is a professional singer and acrobat (she performs the "Disturbed Heart" act at a 15 meter height without safety wires).
  • Chroicled into the Russian book of records for singing on the street during a 40-degree-below-celsius frost (happened during an expedition to the North Pole :) ).
  • Nominated to the "Best woman's role" for the Nord-Ost musicle on the "Golden Mask" theater awards ceremony.

Ekaterina Guseva Ice Show Video:

Israel army

Click on the images to enlarge them.

Israel army The complete gallery with images, wallpapers and a screensaver is here.

Israel army
This site also contains images and other information on women engaged in the military service.

Israel armySome facts:

Women now make up about 35% of the Israel army. 80% of military specialties, including combat ones, are open to women. 26% of the Israeli army officers are women, and that number is increasing.

Counsellor for female soldiers at the army joint staff Major General Suzy Yogev believes that "women can occupy any position and perform any work within the army. Currently, they have more opportunities for career growth, and hence greater motivation to serve in combat units. The army of Israel should engage the services of professionals who will be selected based on their qualifications, not on gender. Women are able to handle any work, even serve in the infantry, so all military units will be open for them".

Israel army and gender relationships:

Israel army Women's obligatory service in the Israel army is a rule. In the past, even if sexual engagement within the troops was not encouraged, it was certainly not forbidden. For decades it allowed senior officers to seek favours from their young female subordinates.

Miriam Libiki, American author of series of comics and books, served as a volunteer in the Israeli army early in the second antifady. Miriam grew up in a Jewish family from Ohio, her comics are autobiographical - and they, among others, described scenes of sexual harassment in the service of the Israeli army. According to the testimony of many former soldiers, there have been cases of pressure on girls to induce sexual intercourse. But until recently, the army tried to conseal these facts; and some former officers who were later involved in politics or other fields brought their army habits into civilian life.

The situation changed dramatically in the past 10 years. In 1998, the Knesset created a law on sexual harassment which was almost identical to the American one. Shortly after the first evidence of changes appeared - the trial of Yitzhak Mordyhay, former Defence Minister and candidate for the post of Prime Minister. Mordyhay was forced to resign after the charges of rape and sexual harassment from several of his women subordinates.

An information campaign on sexual harassment and its negative consequences for violators was started in the army. Several highly discussed cases, during which high-ranking officers were accused of sexual violence against women soldiers, demonstrated the seriousness of the new campaign. Now recruits receive written information on the nature of the problem, and where to go in case of difficulties, during the course of a young soldier.

Women in the Israel army - slide gallery: